Thursday, August 13, 2009

'...tanggal, baju dan seluar'

Yo! Okay, I should probably tell you, that I won't be blogging all the time. I just don't have the time, so, I'll post when I do and IF I have something to post about. Okay, so lets get to today.

We celebrated our 52nd Kemerdekaan and the theme for this year is ' One Malaysia'. Here's the only thing I gotta say. IT SUCKED LIKE SHIT AND SHIT WAS EVEN BETTER. Okay, that was kinda rude, but I can't help the fact that they didn't celebrate Merdeka this year as fun as last year. Last year was THE best year I had. So far. Only because there were more performances and singing and dancing ad hypering. This year was just total BULL.

All we did was watch the St Johns do their marching, (okay, it was pretty cool) sing Negaraku, then a speech from Pn Chia, some people read some sajaks, then sang Jalur Gemilang, Keranamu, Tanggal 31 and Malaysiaku Gemilang. Well, Tanggal 31 was fun, cause Shahira sang it this way. ' Tanggaaaal, BAJU DAN SELUAAAAR' hahahaa! Lawak gilaaa! But then Pn **** had to ruin all the fun. We just laughed a little, and she gave us the SHUT THE HELL UP look. Haish. Then, these GIRLS and their gang were singing as loud as possible, and dancing like some maniacs and yelling and pushing until the teacher said,

Behave, behave! Nanti aku letak BEEHIVE kat kepala ko kang baru tau!

OMG that was the funniest line I heard that day. It was so funny, but it was just between me, her and Shahira. But I took no pictures, cause we weren't allowed to bring phones remember? Those with camera did, but whats the use of taking pictures, if you're taking nothing?

So then after that, we had 10 mins of Agama, no Seni, then rehat, then Sejarah, Geo, English. We were supposed to do a presentation for Sejarah, but LittleMissHongYee here didn't bring our projct, so we didn't do it. But, we listened to other people when they did it. Oh and I helped Nabila and Kish answer questions that teacher asked as they couldn't refer to the books or whatever. Haha, but anyway, teacher gave them quite high points. Geo was okay, English was okay, then BALIK. And Elyanie told me stuff and it bothered me a bit but whatevs. I bought cookies from Nit and Nabila told me some stuff too and I told Shahira some stuff too.

So overall, today, we had a lot of talking, or you can call it, meluahkan perasaan. HAHAHA. '...thanks for that!' Inside joke. Blog later,

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