Saturday, August 15, 2009

Its a No No

Okay, as you all know, its MTV Worldstage today, and, I had a chance to go. Nazlyn won 4 passes and she invited me to come along. The night before, she said she was sick, so she told me, that if she wasn't getting any better, we'd have to cancel.

And big whoop, she didn't get any better. (Not that I blame her for being sick) So then, she told me she was selling the ticket for a hundred bucks, and I considered it as the real price is like what? 200? 300? So then I was told that I'm too young to spend a hundred ringgit on a concert ticket. So I told Elyanie and she said she was going as well, and she offered to pick me up, and Nazlyn offered half price for the ticket, but I couldn't go. I wasn't giving up just yet.

Good news, Elyanie called, she said her cousin couldn't make it, thank you god, she offered me to come along. So later when I asked my parents, well you know, they said parents stuff and all. But in the end, I still couldn't go,

What a sad case,

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