Friday, August 14, 2009

'...pepperoni looking asam'

Yo! Okay, so today was a good day. Genn is back so Hong Yee is no longer alone. sadly Elyanie and Nabila didn't come today, which left me and Shahira in class. Not that it isn't a good thing, it is. You can say that we got to spend some quality time together. Ha-ha. I love you Mrs Bum (:

During perhimpunan today, 3 form 1 dudes had to sing Tanggal 31 again on stage, because according to Cik Ani, they "menghina lagu kemerdekaan" So all of us had to stand up and sing along. Gosh, it was really lame. So then we headed back for our Agama class. It was okay today, but I still felt sleepy as I always do. Ustazah seems to be in a good mood today. She's been in a good mood everyday lately, and I guess its a good thing. Then it was rehat.

I ate the cookies I bought from Nit and they are SO SEXY. I bought them for Rm 10.50 which was KINDA pricey for a box of cookies. But they're still worth it. The cookies are called Amore and they're sort of like Famous Amous cookies. So, to any of you who wants to have a try, please, order from our lovely Nityasha Pillai :D

After rehat, Nadia had gastric so I accompanied her to the office to call her mum. So while we were there, we were talking about MTV World Stage. What I wouldn't do to go. Since it would be a total waste of time to wait with Nadia until her mum comes, I headed to the Science lab and continued with studying. We did some work, and then, PEE JAY time.

We were supposed to have some sort of gotong-royong for tomorrow's Aerobikthon, but, I didn't know why we didn't end up doing it. We just sat in class and copied some notes and then began the chit chatting. While talking, Hong Yee were eating Haw Flakes. But as Shahira would call it, ' THE PEPPERONI LOOKING ASAM' I think they're made of plums because they taste kinda sour but sweet at the same time. So, while we're eating, Hy decided to talk about Harry Potter. But it only lasted for 5 mins. I think we got bored of it. So, Hy and Genn decided to make today, opposite day!

HongYee, you are so heavy. What are you, like, 50 kg?
Yeah, soo friggin heavy. YOU TOO TASHA.
Yeah, I mean, you look sooo heavy
( whispers its opposite day )
Oh yeah?
Well, you look soo heavy and fat at the same time!
God Hy! You're such a bitch and you're the worst friend EVER!
I would'nt know anyone who would want to be friends with YOU.
Eeerr, no thank you.
I don't know -.-

Hey Sushil, you look utterly fair today,
And soo handsome (:
UHHH, okay? Thank you
And you look so white and nerdy,
?! ?!

Its opposite day and, you are definately pro at bball.
HUH, I know.

Okay so after that, me and Hy had this brilliant idea, we decided to SHUFFLE! Yeah maaannnn! Okay, instead of shuffling like the guys do it, I shuffled like Chicken Little kinda shuffle. Y'knw, with the hand thingy and only shuffling at one place. So, since it was opposite day, instead of shuffling, we skated. As in like ice skating kinda way. It was pretty hillarious and stupid, but we had fun anyway;
okok, I'll be Emilio, you be Zan Mheng, okay?
OKOK, lets do it man!
Okok, instead of doing the liquid thingy, we do.. SOLID.
Yeah man! (we did the face th
ingy while skating)
Okay, phew, let's show everyone else!

Okay, so we were acting pretty immature, but what the heck, girls just wanna have fun right?So we practically showed everyone our awesome moves, and we had some pretty good resp onses, so then, it was time to go home, and voi la, here I am. Oh and, ' she has a bun, then a patty below' HA-HA. I think some of you would gettit. Okay, got to jet,

p.s. I wont talk to those people who are going to MTV World Stage like, for a day. HAHA.

Oh and for the first time, I'm so proud to call myself, TALL :)

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