Tuesday, November 10, 2009


OMGAAAAAYHHH! Estoy tan cansado! I played netball today, and NO, SUSHIL, it's not only for malay tudung-ed, and we lost! Like reaaaal bad. I played the centre, and yes it required a whole lotta running! The opponent like scored 10 goals? We scored like 5. How sad T____T Brought my guitar to school too. Did the Thriller dance with them buddies!

But, we only played for fun, doesn't matter if we win or lose, we had FUN (: But, towards the end, I seriously couldn't breathe and my lungs felt like they were on fire! Oh oh and did I mention I fell and not notice the cut on my knee? Yeah big whoop, it hurt, but I was like "huh wtv hurts all the time when I fall" . But then when I looked at my knee, it was bleeding and there's this HUGE cut. I went and washed it.

Dhaniah brought the alcohol thing and St John pros, Genn, Yanie and Shaz helped put it on my knee. It burned like s**t! Now I know what Bella felt like when the venom was spreading in her blood. She described like it was on FIRE, and guess what, IT WAS ;(  I was like yelping and for a second there, it sounded like I was giving birth! Nyahaha okay wtv wtv.

So we danced and danced and finally it was time to go home. Yippee doodles.

Have to go to school early tomorrow, gahhhhh. Thriller thriller thriller woo woo! 

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