Thursday, November 19, 2009

Engine, ON

Woo! Watched 2012 with my momma today. The movie is pretty good. I mean, I liked it, what with all the awesome graphics and effects. But the funny thing is, people survived on the last day of the world. Andddd, they made cool ships so people can live in it! Well yeah for those who haven't watch it yet, GO WATCH GO WATCH!

In the mean time, I'll be patiently waiting for New Moon. (okay maybe not so patiently) Sonia watched it already! LIKE WTF? And New Moon releases a day before Raya Haji. Which means I have to go balik kampung. Which means I have to balik kampung a day before Raya Haji. Which means... oh no can this be? I WON'T BE ABLE TO WATCH NEW MOON ON THE FIRST DAY! Tuh tuh tuhhhhhhhh! Okay okay, I WILL watch it on time. Pray for me, dear people, so your very own New Moon obsesser can make it on that very day :D


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