Thursday, November 5, 2009


Hola amigos! Como estas? Te extrano MUCHO! Today, 5th November 2009, at 6.45 p.m., I, Tasha Aleia, have officially completed my final exam! Exellente! So, finally I get to update now, after a month of not :D Exams were yes, stressful, but I managed the whole month of October studying and not using the computer. But I did do some other stuff as well, here are the highlights of October (:

1st October
Celebrated Daddy de
arest's birthday (: And yes dad, you are old, buuut you still cool yo!

9th October
Went to Nabila's (Mrs Siwon's) house fr the first time (: Her house is awesome yo! Brought my guitar there too, had this lil jamming session with Elyanie and her :x Haha me and Elyanie got talking about this book we read (Nabila's currently reading it) and she accidentally said who the mystery person was when Nabila was there! Lmao! Baaad timing yo. We danced and sang and laughed and we had a BLAST (: Videos are currently being uploaded on Youtube.

Pictures were in another phone XD

10th October
Went to Elyanie's open house. It was superb. Had loads of fun 8D We watched the Uninvited. Stupid phsyco movie. Don't watch it, so boring. Again, we danced, laughed and talked alot (: Videos are currently being uploaded on Youtube.

Elyanie's was just sooo pretty XD

12th October
Celebrated Trisha's birthday! Happy 6th baby sis! We each gave her presents, including Tzariq and my maid Haha (: I got her a charm bracelet, Mum bought her a 'Boutique Edi
tion Monopoly', Dad bought a tamborine, Tzariq 'bought' hair clips and stickers, Ian bought Hello Kitty bed slippers, and my maid bought her a fish! Trish celebrated at her school as well, and yours truly, helped with the party packs and the cake whatsoever. Everyone loves me (: HAHAHAHAHA

24th October
Trisha's Concert and Graduation at Sri Cahaya (: Her class danced to JAI HO! It was awesome yo! In the begining they were like " Hello, I'm ... and today, we are gonna perform... JAI HO! ONE MALAYSIA!" How awww is that? Then they had this graduation ceremony, and wore cute red robes with the hat and it was all just so AWWWW 8D

28th October
I pierced my nose (:

Just look really closely

31st October
Me, Trish and Ian went all the way to Los Angeles to get tattos (:

Mine was on my back

Trish's were at her legs

1st November
Trisha cut her hair.
She aws me all the time (:

No harm camwhoring with your sis right?

And well yes, that was it. The rest of the week was Stress Week. It was exams after exams but now, FREEDOM IS MINE!
So, enjoy your holidays amigos, 'cause I'm sure gonna enjoy mine! Can't wait to PARTAY IN THE USA ! Eheh

p.s. Word of advice, don't believe everything you read.

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