Thursday, September 17, 2009

Raya ! Raya !

Shutup about the height, okay ?

Ahhhh. .. Two more days left until the fasting fiesta ENDS ! YEEPEE ! xp So so so , today was an exciting yet embarrassing day-- yes, but with my sore throat, I feel a lot worse . ANNNYWAAYYYY , today , we had our Merdeka closing ceremony ! YAY ! ( sense my sarcasm there ? ) So , our History teacher decided that it would be a fantastic idea if our class could perform something . So what else could we do ? We decided to SING ;D Yeah , it was that , or reading some poem that none of us would want to do , like EVER .

We sangggggg . . . WE ARE THE WORLD ! U-Huh :) It would've been better if we had at least, a few days to practise . I mean, come on, yesterday, they had 30 mins to practise, and today, they came at 10, instead of staying home, sleeping, enjoy the morning while it lasts, but NOO-O, they didn't wanna embarrass themselves . By them I mean the gang who sang , I didn't come -- fever remember ? But, I decided to come eventually to support my fellow singing mates ;D Naaaa, just kidding . I came bcus I wanted to pass up my science folio Haha ! But, I ended up singing anyway. Just when I came, everyone was like " Tasha ! You came ?! " Or " Huh ?! Why did you come ?! Thought you weren't coming ?! Now you'll just have to sing with us "
I could have denied it, but I didn't, partly because they were like " Tashh, sing lahh ! " and because I wanted to enjoy the last day of school ;D

We were pretty nervous, actually I was . I didn't even memorise the lyrics ! I was like standing there, lip singing, and just swaying around . But wtv, Nadia brought her iPod, so I listened to the song over and over until I got some of the parts right . Yeah , when it was our turn, they only gave us like ONE friggin schizo mike . One ?! Hello-o there was like more than ten of us ! Well wtv, we sang our hearts out-- well at least some of us did, and did our mighty best to sound good, and guess what, we did pretty okay . Haha! Its okay only people !

There were other performances, but we were like super tired then, so we didn't really enjoy them, but what the heck, we had fun singing the Malaysia songs ! ( sense the other sarcasm ? ) By the time we got back to class, everyones eyes were like droopy and looking like a zombie. I was looking high ! Haha my eyes were half open, and my mouth was like droopy and like kinda sticking out Haha !

Continued studying as usual, but there were still some hypering going on -- y'know how we do xp then half an hour before school ends, we had gotong royong and that was hell fun. I was sweeping the floor for like 3 mins then I went and helped out with other FUN stuff. Like ? Poking the balls that Winnie made, playing with the balls that Winnie made, throwing the balls that Winnie made, and err hah you don wanna know . Soo, end of school, camwhored a little, and BAAM ! Holidays, here comes TASHA babbyyyy !

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