Friday, September 25, 2009

I <3 you guys

Friday 25.09.09
Today was the best Raya day ever ! Went to Amira's house and partied ! Haha no la. We good girl wan. No party party. Haha okay, weirddd. All the gang came, and also, some old buddies whom I haven't seen for like two years (:

Reached there at about 12 ++ then lepaked, gossipped, ate, and camwhored. Haha typical us. Always camwhoring no matter where or when. Then we went online and webcammed alot. Haha yeah, we missed you too Aqif ! (inside joke) HAHAHA. So then one by one, people went home, and I was the last one to go. Haih, I missed you so much, Amira, I wish that day would never end, you know ? I had so much fun talking about school and boys and all, and of course, we'll hang out together soon okay ?

So, pictures are all on facebook (:

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